The eCommerce Expo: An Attendee’s Account

Recently, I had the pleasure of travelling down to London to attend the E-commerce Expo 2022. The event was huge and took place at the ExCeL Centre in London. It had immense and bustling energy, and many in attendance were in the E-commerce world. As a result, there was palpable excitement about E-commerce and the phenomenal growth it’s experienced in recent years. This shared enthusiasm resulted in a buzz throughout the venue. Another benefit of this cohort was that many people capitalised on network opportunities. As a result, attendees were actively looking to strike partnerships to help them along their eCommerce journey. 

I had many valuable conversations, and several exciting opportunities arose throughout the day. One of the things that stood out was Sarah Davis, from Dragon’s Den, giving a talk on her eCommerce. Her success in eCommerce and her top tips were not only beneficial, but they were impactful.

Something she said that resonated with me was “to do what you’re good at and hire and partner with the organisations that do the things you’re not good at”. I felt that perfectly summarised where we are with our Kinyu journey. We see our supply chain services as a means to bulletproof, boost and enhance the supply chain operations of eCommerce businesses. As such, we are looking to give our clients solid foundations in their business and supply chain to enable growth later down their value chain. We want people to partner with us so that we can remove that headache. We want to ensure they’ve got the platform to facilitate growth. 

This premise was then reaffirmed for me later in the day when I went and watched a great talk by a man called Paul Walsh from All Things Amazon. His presentation centred around optimising the Amazon algorithm to stimulate growth and high performance for your eCommerce brand while selling on Amazon. Not only were the ideas in his talk fastastic, it put me in mind of the interveiw with Jeff Bezos himself in 1999. When I caught up with Paul afterwards, I had the opportunity to explain the idea behind Kinyu. In depth, we discussed our industry and expressed our concern about the opposite end of eCommerce value chains. Kinyu nurtures businesses in their early stages, and we concern ourselves with supply and manufacturing. We also want to ensure the companies we work with have a solid foundation and are as advanced as possible.

Kinyu’s mission juxtaposes Paul’s business, whose primary concern is delivering and driving growth at the consumer end of the value chain. While we were concerned with opposite ends of the process, our values were the same. We are both all about facilitating growth. Aligning on our mission paved the way for some interesting conversations with Paul regarding future opportunities. To my delight, he also recognised the value of optimising supply chain operations to facilitate growth. As such, I’m excited to see what might arise in the future. 

The expo was incredibly valuable, not just in terms of the talks, but the interactions. It was also an excellent opportunity for Kinyu to get out there and be amongst that forum. Moving forward, we are determined to get to other events and cannot wait to put the Kinyu presence out there.

Get in touch

For more information and an overview of Kinyu’s services, please visit You can also contact us via or call us at +86 181 7315 8445.

Benjamin King

CEO, Kinyu

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